Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Chocolate on a Stick

Carole Bellacera has written an enjoyable, fun, FUN read in Chocolate on a Stick.  Sure, if you look really hard you can find some valuable life lessons, such as, maybe, "Live and Let Live," or "Senior Citizens have Dreams Too" (or in one character's case "your lifelong dream was just one means of reaching your true heart's desire, and this curveball in your life may present yet another way to get it" -- okay, super cryptic so as to avoid spoilers; you'll thank me later) . . .

BUT . . . did I mention that this story is fun?  These characters are, well, characters.  And they get themselves into such situations.  And they say such . . . things!  I'm smiling and having a good giggle just remembering.  I love this story so much.  I hope it puts some happy into your life, too.

Available in print, on Kindle, and on audio from Amazon.

Audio also available direct from Audible or .

One of the challenges of this audiobook was the multitude of character narrators -- first person narration from seven different points of view.  What fun that was!  (Have I mentioned that this story is fun?)  I think I somehow fit bits of all of them into this sample.  Enjoy!